How Often To Reseal Asphalt Driveway

Maintaining the asphalt on your driveway is essential for preserving its appearance, durability, and longevity. One crucial aspect of maintenance is resealing the surface regularly. Resealing helps protect the asphalt from the damaging effects of weather, sunlight, chemicals, and heavy traffic. However, determining the optimal frequency for resealing can be challenging.

In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the need for resealing and provide guidelines to help you determine how often to reseal asphalt driveway.

Factors Affecting Resealing Frequency

1. Climate

The climate in which you live plays a significant role in how often you should reseal your driveway. Harsh climates, characterized by extreme temperature fluctuations, high levels of precipitation, or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, can accelerate asphalt deterioration. In such cases, more frequent asphalt sealing is necessary to maintain the driveway’s integrity.

2. Traffic Volume

The amount of traffic your driveway experiences also impacts resealing frequency. If your driveway is frequently subjected to heavy vehicles, such as delivery trucks or multiple cars, it may require more frequent asphalt sealing compared to driveways with lighter traffic.

3. Age Of The Driveway

New asphalt driveways typically require an initial sealcoat application within the first year of installation. After this, the frequency of resealing can be adjusted based on the other factors mentioned.

4. Previous Maintenance

Regular maintenance practices, such as patching potholes, crack repairs, and periodic cleaning, can significantly extend the time between resealing applications. Neglecting these maintenance tasks can hasten the need for resealing.

Recommended Intervals As To How Often To Reseal Asphalt Driveway

While the specific resealing interval may vary depending on the factors mentioned above, a general guideline to follow is to reseal your driveway every 3-5 years. This timeframe provides a balance between proactive maintenance and cost-effectiveness.

It’s important to note that this recommendation assumes moderate climate conditions, average traffic volume, and regular maintenance. Adjustments may be necessary based on the unique circumstances of your driveway.

Signs Your Driveway Needs Resealing

Apart from following a predetermined resealing schedule, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs that indicate your driveway requires immediate attention. These signs include:

1. Cracks

Cracks wider than a quarter-inch or multiple interconnected cracks are indications that resealing is necessary. Cracks allow water to penetrate the surface, leading to further damage.

2. Fading Or Discoloration

If your driveway has lost its original deep black color and appears faded or discolored, it may be time to reseal. Fading is usually caused by UV exposure.

3. Potholes Or Depressions

Potholes and depressions can develop over time due to heavy traffic or uneven settling. Resealing can help prevent further deterioration and improve the aesthetics of your driveway.

4. Loose Aggregate

Over time, the top layer of asphalt may start to deteriorate, resulting in loose gravel or aggregate. Resealing will help bind the loose particles and restore the smooth surface.

Resealing Process

Resealing a driveway made of asphalt typically involves the following steps:

1. Cleaning

Thoroughly clean the surface using a high-pressure washer or a stiff broom to remove dirt, debris, and vegetation. Pay attention to cracks and crevices, ensuring they are free from any loose material.

2. Repairing

Address any cracks, potholes, or depressions before applying the sealcoat. Fill cracks with appropriate crack filler, level depressions, and patch potholes using asphalt patching material.

3. Preparation

Apply a primer if recommended by the sealcoat manufacturer. This will ensure better adhesion of the sealant to the existing asphalt.

4. Sealcoating

Apply the sealcoat evenly across the entire driveway using a squeegee or spray application method. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time and the number of coats required.

How A Professional Can Help You With The Resealing And Maintenance Of Your Driveway?

If you need help resealing your driveway, it’s best to enlist the services of a professional. A reliable and experienced asphalt contractor will be able to provide an accurate assessment of your driveway’s condition and recommend appropriate maintenance procedures. They can also perform any necessary repairs before applying the sealcoat, ensuring optimal results for longer-lasting protection. Working with a professional is the best way to ensure your driveway lasts for many years.


To sum up, determining how often you should reseal your driveway made of asphalt depends on a range of factors, including climate, traffic volume, age, and prior maintenance. Following the guidelines mentioned above can help you decide when it’s time to apply a new sealcoat and keep your driveway looking great. With the help of a professional contractor, you can ensure your driveway is properly maintained for years to come. Furthermore, regular maintenance is one of the best ways to maximize the return on your investment and get the most out of your asphalt driveway. 

With proper care and regular resealing, you’ll be able to enjoy your driveway for many years. It can also significantly increase curb appeal of your home, making it a great investment for any homeowner. Keep in mind that even the best asphalt driveways require maintenance, so it’s important to keep up with resealing and preventative maintenance. Doing so will help you get the most out of your driveway and extend its lifespan for many years to come.

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